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At the forthcoming European Space Agency (ESA) Living Planet Symposium in Bonn, Germany, there will be a session on ‘Observations & modelling: shedding light on climate futures’. The session contributes to highlighting the role ESA satellites and Earth observation data play in strengthening the scientific evidence for climate change and its applications. It will address challenges and opportunities at the interface of the earth observation and modelling communities.
The Symposium ( attracts world-leading scientists, policy makers, service sector companies and satellite operators.

With this form we, at the CORDEX office, want to gather insights from the CORDEX community on regional downscaling perspectives and particular challenges, especially for the Global South, to convey this information to the Earth Observations (EO) Community, including ESA. It is really about what EO-based products you use and what kind of challenges you face as a user.
Your input is important. Information/data from this survey will be shared within the Earth Observations (EO) Community, within the CORDEX community and relevant stakeholders but you will never be personally identified.
No information about you from the survey including your written answers will be linked to your name. Should we, for some reason, want to use your name we will ask for your consent.

Your decision to participate is voluntary, it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. You may choose not to answer selected parts of the study or stop taking part at any time.
The deadline has peen postponed a bit in order to collect more information. Please submit your answers at the latest by 17 May 2022!
If you have any questions please contact us at

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* 1. Contact information

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* 2. What is your connection to CORDEX? Please elaborate.

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* 3. Have you used space based Earth Observations in your work with CORDEX/regional downscaling?

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* 4. If you answered yes above - what datasets have you used?

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* 5. How did you access the Earth Observations you used?

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* 6. Were the data easily accessible?

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* 7. If you answered no to question nr 6 - why were they not easily accessible?

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* 8. For what purpose did you use the datasets?

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* 9. Were the data easy to use/apply (e.g format, units, size etc)

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* 10. If you answered no to question nr 9 - what do you think needs to change?

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* 11. Do you use different data sets for different for different geographical areas?

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* 12. Was the documentation of the datasets adequate for your purposes?

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* 13. Regarding validation/robustness of satellite data - are you aware of the estimation of uncertainties that come with the data (for instance ESA-CCI-data)?

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* 14. If you answered yes above - did you use it?

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* 15. Would it be useful if the satellite data is supplied with  "simulators", i.e. some tool so you can sample the model data in time and space (and observable properties) according to what the satellite observes?

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* 16. What do you see as the primary challenges with regards to space-based data use for CORDEX/ regional downscaling?

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* 17. What do you see as the primary advatages/opportunities with regards to space-based data use for CORDEX/ regional downscaling?

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* 18. Can EO data be said to be seamless - ie what are the challenges with combining different EO data/time series?

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* 19. Are there evident gaps in EO coverage for your region or your purposes?

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* 20. If you answered yes to question nr 19 - are those gaps with regards to;

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* 21. Would you say that the avalability and adequacy of EO when we move into Convection-Permitting (CP) modelling is satisfying?

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* 22. Are there any emerging needs with regards to Regional Earth System Modeling?

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* 23. Have you also use gound-based observational data, including ground-based remote sensing data?

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* 24. Do you feel  that you have the possibility to influence the planning of new Earth Observations Programmes? Please rate

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* 25. Please elaborate on your answer to Question nr 24 - how would you like to be able to influence the planning?

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* 26. Are there challenges in combining space-based Earth Observation data and ground-based EO data? What challenges ?

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* 27. Is there any additional information you would like to add?

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