With the news in the media that nowadays 44% of gamers are women, I am curious about my own reader base. I hope you'll answer this short survey about your gaming interests, the results will be published on Ladiesgamers.com. Thanks for being a part of the Ladiesgamers community!

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* 1. Are you male or female?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. In what part of the world are you?

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* 4. On how many days in the week do you play video games on average?

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* 5. How many people in your household play video games?

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* 6. Do you tend to play alone or with other people?

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* 7. If you frequently play with others, who are your gaming buddies?

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* 8. In the past 30 days, which of the following devices have you used to play video games? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 9. Do you usually buy your games physical or digital?

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* 10. What kind of games do you usually play? (pick a maximum of three)