CTFC ICWA Appellate Webinar Series: California ICWA Caselaw Update 2019-2020: Emerging Issues

1.What is your first name and last name? This question must be completed in order to receive California MCLE credits.
2.What is your California State Bar number? This question must be completed in order to receive California MCLE credits. If you are licensed in another state, please indicate the state and include your Bar number. 
3.Did this program meet your educational objectives?
4.Were you provided with substantive written materials?
5.Did the course update or keep you informed of your legal responsibilities?
6.Did the activity contain significant professional content?
7.Was the environment suitable for learning?
8.On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 star being Poor and 5 stars being Excellent, please rate the instructors (Kate Fort) overall teaching effectiveness.
9.On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 star being Poor and 5 stars being Excellent, please rate the instructors (Kate Fort) knowledge of Subject Matter.
Current Progress,
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