Project Application

Applicants applying for regional competitive SR2TBT program funds must submit a complete application to be considered for Regional Measure 3 funding. The complete application includes:
  • A cover letter on agency letterhead signed by the applicant’s Chief Executive Officer or other officer authorized by the applicant’s governing board
  • Project Budget and Expenditure Plan form
  • Evidence of Housing Element and Local Road Safety Plan Compliance
  • A copy of the complete streets checklist
All applications considered by MTC must be received no later than October 14, 2024.

A full preview of the application is available here:

Question Title

* Applicant Agency

Question Title

* Co-sponsoring Agency

Question Title

* Implementing Agency

Question Title

* Applicant Contact Email

Question Title

* Project Title

Question Title

* Project Type

Question Title

* Detailed Project Description

Question Title

* RM3: SR2TBT Funding Amount Requested

Question Title

* Total Project Cost

Question Title

* Project Map

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Question Title

* Cover letter on Agency letterhead signed by the applicant’s Chief Executive Officer or other officer authorized by the applicant’s governing board authorizing the application submittal.

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