Apex Industrial Automation- eCommerce Customer Survey

As a further commitment to you, Apex Industrial Automation is planning an upgrade to its eCommerce site and capabilities very soon. As we begin the journey we'd love to get some feedback from our customers to further understand how we might better serve your needs. Thank you for participating!
1.Please list any and all of the following activities for which you or others in your company may reference distributor sites (choose all that apply).
2.How do you typically find out about products or suppliers in the industrial parts or automation market? (Please select all that apply.)
3.When you use the web as part of your job, do you access it from:
4.What is your primary job responsibility?
5.Please indicate which of the following products you have purchased from Apex in the past year (check all that apply):
6.Please indicate which of the following sites you may have used to SEARCH FOR products in the last 12 months (choose all that apply).
7.Please indicate which of the following sites you may have used to PURCHASE PRODUCTS in the last 12 months (choose all that apply).
8.If Apex' upcoming eCommerce site included more of the products you purchase, products were easy to locate and purchase would you be more likely to...
9.Please provide your FIRST and LAST NAME for the $100 gift card drawing.
10.Please provide your email address for the $100 gift card drawing.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered