1. Draft Gambling Act Statement of Policy and Principles

The London Borough of Merton is calling on local residents, businesses, interest groups, faith groups and public agencies to have their say on the borough’s future gambling policy.
The Gambling Act 2005 requires all licensing authorities to prepare and publish a Gambling Act Statement of Policy and Principles every three years. A review of the current policy, which is due to expire in January 2025, is now underway. Please view the Draft Gambling Act Statement of Policy and Principles before completing this survey.
The closing date for submitting consultation responses is 15 September 2024.

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* 1. Please tell us if you agree or disagree that the draft statement is clearly written?

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* 2. Please tell us if you agree or disagree with the proposed new paragraphs 3.5 – 3.8 added, which sets out the Council’s Objectives when discharging its duties under the Act?

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* 3. Please tell us if you agree or disagree with the new Section 12 on gambling prevalence and social responsibility, which gambling operators in the borough must comply with?

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* 4. Please tell us if you agree or disagree with the new Appendix F, which sets out expectations from gambling operators around customer interactions and record keeping.

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* 5. Please tell us if you agree or disagree that providing local area profiles indicating such matters as social deprivation, crime, population demographics and locations of e.g. schools, playgrounds, libraries, money lending and pawn shops and facilities for vulnerable persons will assist gambling operators in carrying out their local risk assessments?

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* 6. Please tell us what other information you think should be included in local area profiles?

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* 7. Please tell us if you think there are any specific locations you feel would be unsuitable for gambling premises?

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* 8. Please tell us if you want a casino in the borough?

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* 9. Should the Council pass another resolution not to have any casinos in the borough as the previous policy at paragraph 14 of the policy?

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* 10. Please tell us why you agree or disagree with this resolution.

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* 11. Are you aware of any problems in your area that are directly related to gambling premises?

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* 12. Please tell us what, if any, additional measures should be considered in order to protect children from harm or being exploited by gambling?

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* 13. Please tell us if you have any additional comments you would like to make about the Statement of Principles under the Gaming Act 2005. Please refer to specific paragraphs where possible.