Please choose your level of agreement with the following statements.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. My first day with HRROC was:


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* 3. Primary Contract

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* 4. Secondary Contract (if applicable)

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* 5. Supervisor

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* 6. Team Lead

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* 7. Buddy (as assigned by your supervisor)

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* 8. Were you provided the name and contact information of your supervisor, team lead and/or buddy prior to your first day?

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* 9. The information sent to me prior to my first day helped me know what to expect, what to do, and other key information needed:

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* 10. Is there any feedback you would like to add about your experience between the time you accepted the job and first day?

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* 11. Were you able to meet your Supervisor on the first day of work, after your orientation?

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* 12. Did someone introduce you to the team?

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* 13. Were you informed of where to go to get additional assistance on timesheets, personnel matters (PTO), and benefits?

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* 14. I was given sufficient information on the employer-provided benefits (if subk disregard).

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* 15. My Team Lead and/or Supervisor made me feel comfortable on my first day.

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* 16. Any other feedback about your first day? This can include feedback about orientation, IT issues, and/or reporting to your team.

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* 17. I was assigned meaningful work during my first week.

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* 18. My Team Lead and/or Supervisor provided me with clear and concise explanation of my duties and job expectations.

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* 19. I knew where to go when I have questions

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* 20. I was quickly integrated into the team

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* 21. I received adequate training to help me understand internal systems, general operating practices and other information needed to perform my job.

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* 22. Did you receive a two week onboarding plan from your supervisor and/or team lead?

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* 23. I am satisfied with the onboarding process for the first 30 days of my employment.

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* 24. Did your supervisor and/or team lead go over HRROC Career Progression Ladder and how to progress within HRROC?

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* 25. Do you have any recommendations for improvement of the HRROC onboarding process? Please be thorough and specific.