Luxury Tax Impact: Perception is Reality

Luxury Tax Survey

We sell boats to smart, successful people who are sure to be aware of the Liberals' new Luxury Tax.

This tax also applies to cars and trucks as well as aircraft selling over $100,000. Canada’s Marine Trades Associations were successful in lobbying Ottawa to adjust our tax threshold up to $250,000.

This new Luxury Tax only applies to new boats built after 2018 - not used boats.

Perception is reality so, what do we want new boat buyers to think (or perceive) when we talk to them at the boat shows, or in our showrooms this year?

The purpose of this survey is to share ideas and start a dialogue. In public relations, the important thing is to get out ahead of this negative story and defuse it, or minimize the negative impact.

The tax is only:
  • on new boats over $250,000 - not used boats
  • 10% of the total value, or 20% of the cost over $250,000, whichever is less

So, what will you say?

Please answer this survey as quickly as possible so we can calculate and share the results with you in our next Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest issue.
1.Does your business sell to:
2.Do you sell:
(Check all that apply)
3.Are your customers asking you about the new Luxury Tax now?
4.In your customer sales presentations, do you plan to:
(Check all that apply)
5.Do you plan to set an upfront policy on this or deal with it on a case-by-case basis?
6.Have you reduced the number of stock boats on order because of concern over the Luxury Tax impact?
7.Please estimate the impact you anticipate this Tax will have on your business:
(Specify number of units or gross sales lost where possible)
8.We welcome your individual comments:
Thank you for filling out this survey!
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered