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NRI Email Subscriber Survey
How are you affiliated with NRI? Check the one that best fits you.
Interested community member
NRI or UW–Madison Extension staff member
Other UW staff member
Non-profit organization staff member
Wisconsin government agency staff member
Other (please specify)
What areas/themes are you most interested in learning about? Check all that apply.
News/information about natural resources
Upcoming events
Forestry and wildlife management
Water stewardship and management
Citizen science and environmental education
Extension centers and reserves
NRI staff spotlights
Open jobs at NRI or partner organizations
Other (please specify)
In what other ways do you get information from NRI? Check all that apply.
NRI Facebook @UWMadisonExtNRI
NRI X (Twitter) @UWMadisonExtNRI
NRI website and blog -
Program website(s)
Program social media
Program emails
Other (please specify)