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Friday 18 August 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa

As a school, we value the input of whānau around the future direction of our school.  This short survey is designed to gather further whānau feedback.

Ngā Mihi

Jason Elder
Stratford Primary School

Question Title

* 1. Personal Details

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* 2. How would you like to be consulted? Would you prefer to complete a short survey, be contacted via email, receive a phone call from a staff member, or would you prefer to talk in person?

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* 3. What are your goals for your child/children? How do you see the school supporting the aims of your tamariki? This includes, Socially, Emotionally, Academically, Culturally, Sports, The Arts etc.

Question Title

* 4. Are your tamariki (child/children) on the Food in School Programme?

Question Title

* 5. Health Education Consultation:
The Stratford Primary School Board must, at least once every two years, after consulting the school community, adopt a statement on the delivery of the Health Curriculum.

The purpose of the consultation is to:
Inform the school community about the content of the Health Curriculum;
Ascertain the wishes of the school community regarding the way in which the Health Curriculum should be implemented given the views, beliefs, and customs of the members of that community;

In broad terms, the Health Education needs of the students at the school.
To view the school's draft Health Education Plan from 2024-2025 click here.

Question: What Health Education topics do you believe students should learn at school? Do you have any worries around the Health Education topics?

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* 6. The Board is in the process of reviewing the school’s Anti Bullying Policy. A copy can be found here on the school website (Our School →  Policies and Procedures → scroll down to 500 Anti Bullying Policy. 

Question: How safe does your tamariki feel at Stratford Primary

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* 7. What does the school do well to keep your tamariki safe at school?

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* 8. What could the school do better to keep your tamariki safe at school? (Please remember to contact your classroom teacher as soon as possible if you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your tamariki). 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Ngā Mihi
Jason Elder
Stratford Primary School
0 of 8 answered