The intention of this is to check in and see how you are feeling about the work that you are doing. The answers you provide should feed a conversation within your team about what is and isn't working well. Be brutally honest -- this is all about continuous improvement. There are 8 rating-scale questions and this should take less than 10 minutes. Each question represents a dimension that we consider important to overall team health.

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* 1. Delivering Value. Think about what you've built and shipped. How do you feel about the value the team is delivering? Select the statement that best represents how you feel.

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* 2. Ease of releasing. Think about what you've built and shipped. How easy has it been to get your work out the door? Select the statement that best represents how you feel.

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* 3. The Team. How do you feel about how we are working together? Select the statement that best represents how you feel.

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* 4. Health of codebase. How do you feel about the state of the codebase(s) you work in? Select the statement that best represents how you feel.

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* 5. Learning and Development. Think about your ability to develop personally and professionally. Select the statement that best represents how you feel.

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* 6. Pawns vs. Players. Think about your autonomy and ability to pursue the projects you consider to be most important. Select the statement that best represents how you feel.

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* 7. Getting things done. Think about your ability to get things done. Select the statement that best represents how you feel.