Your Input is Valued!

The Consolidated Plan serves as the blueprint for determining how the City will spend the approximately $2.5 million it anticipates receiving annually from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) over the next five years. These HUD funds can be used to support both City and non-profit programs and must be used in projects that:
  • Benefit low- and moderate-income persons
  • Prevent or eliminate of slums or blight
  • Remediate existing conditions that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community for which other funding is not available
This Survey is part of a city-wide study to define the priority needs of the community. As such, Manchester residents and, in particular, public housing residents, public and private agencies, businesses and other interested parties are encouraged to voice their concerns and express their opinions on the priority needs of the Community.

Question Title

* 1. What street do you live on?

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* 2. What is your age range?

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* 3. How could the City improve its services to you and/or to your neighborhood?

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* 4. What would make your neighborhood a more desirable place to live?

Question Title

* 5. How would you rate each of the following goals, which are identified in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (Please choose one: "High Priority," "Medium Priority," or "Low Priority")?

  High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority
Increase the Number of Affordable Housing Units
Equal Access to Affordable Housing Opportunities
Address Homelessness Issues
Increase Community Supportive Living Environments
Increase Manchester High School Graduation Rate
Perpetuate the Independent Living of the Elderly
Increase Access/Availability to Affordable Childcare
Support Healthcare Activities for Underinsured
Assimilate Refugees into the Community
Increase Manchester Employment Opporutnities
Increase Recreation Programming for Low/Mod Youth
Increase Year-Round Access to Recreation Facilities
To Create a Universally Accessible City
Support the City's Infrastructure System
Improve Condition of Building Accessed by Public Facilities (Efficient Planning/Public Management)
Prepare Individuals for Gainful Employment

Question Title

* 6. Are there any key strategies listed above that you believe are no longer relevant during the 2025-2029 planning period?

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* 7. Please describe significant issues that have not been addressed by the strategies above.

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* 8. What issues do you see arising in the 2025-2029 timeframe?

Question Title

* 9. How would you rate each of the following priority needs, which are identified in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (Please choose one: "High Priority," "Medium Priority," "Low Priority," "No Need," or "Not Sure/Don't Know").

  High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority No Need Not Sure/Don't Know
Affordable Housing
Provide Fair Housing Counseling and Representation
To Provide Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
Provide Homeownership Downpayment Assistance
Safe and Sanitary Housing
Supportive Neighborhood Living Environments
Safe and Affordable Places for Physical Activity
ADA Access to Sidewalks and Streets
To Address Deteriorating Streets/Sidewalks
Address Deteriorating Conditions in City Buildings
Economic Well-Being for all Manchester Citizens
Provide Support to Manchester Buisines
To Teach Job Skills Through Classroom & Training
To Provide Emergency Shelter
To Provide Outreach to Individual Living in Streets
To Provide Transitional Housing
To Provide Rapid Re-Housing Opportunities
To Provide Homelessness Prevention Activities
To Prevent Youth from Engaging in Crime
Youth Counseling, Programming and Supportive Services
Provide Elderly Independent Living Support Services
Provide Childcare Options for Working Parents
Access to Healthcare
Access to Supportive Services that Target Refugees
Provide Support to Abused/Neglected Children
Provide Youth and Summer Recreation Programming
Effective Administration of State/Federal Programs
To Implement Various Planning Studies

Question Title

* 10. Are there any Priority Needs listed above that you believe are no longer relevant for the 2025-2029 planning period?

Question Title

* 11. Please describe significant issues that have not been addressed by the Needs listed above.

Question Title

* 12. What is your household size?

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* 13. What is your employment status?

Question Title

* 14. How easy is it for you to Access Services provided by the City?

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* 15. How often do you participate in events or meetings?

Question Title

* 16. What methods do you prefer for receiving information about community programs?

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* 17. What additional resources or programs would you like to see in your community (open-ended)?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is crucial in helping the City allocate HUD funds effectively to meet the needs of our community. All responses will remain confidential.

Should you have any questions, please contact Community Grants Administrator, Dan Orr, at
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100% of survey complete.