Open Access transitions for book publishers (SPA OPS 4.0)

UKRI, ALPSP, OASPA, and the British Academy have commissioned Information Power Ltd to undertake a project to assist learned societies, subject associations, and smaller specialist publishers in transitioning to Open Access (OA) models for monographs, book chapters, and edited volumes. The project aims to identify challenges, provide business planning support, and offer tools and advice.

We would appreciate your participation in a survey to understand how publishers engage with open access for long-form research and what resources could be helpful. Your input will contribute to the development of a toolkit for the community.

Many publishers produce both books and journals. Unless the wording explicitly states otherwise, the questions in this survey relate solely to your book programme.

If you would like to review the questions in advance and discuss them with your colleagues, a PDF version is available here.

Thank you very much for your help!