Virginia Regional Food System Infrastructure Needs Survey Survey is open until 11:59 pm on 8/18/23.
[Section 1]
The Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services is seeking your input to understand the food infrastructure landscape in Virginia. These survey responses will help to develop a four-year plan for supply chain infrastructure investment funding and technical assistance in Virginia. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) will be applying for $6.5 million over four years from the new USDA Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure program to develop food and farm businesses and coordinate initiatives to build resilience across the food supply chain in Virginia. VDACS will invest in aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, and distribution of locally and regionally produced food products, including fruits and vegetables, dairy, grains for human consumption, aquaculture, and other food products (but not meat or poultry).
Most of the funding will be distributed as grants to individual farms and food businesses. Grant recipients are required to contribute 50% of the total proposed project cost as a match to federal funding. For historically underserved farmers and ranchers, or for other businesses that qualify under SBA categories of small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, or veteran-owned small business, the required match funding contribution or cost share is reduced to 25% of the project cost. The RFSI program especially intends to support investments that benefit producers that qualify as disadvantaged.
The aggregated findings from this survey will be shared publicly to help inform the development of the Virginia food system. Individual results will be held in confidence. Note that the new grant program will take some time to get established.
Please contact Seth Benton [] if you have any questions. Thank you for contributing.