Super Forum 2017 Awards Nominations

We're doing something new — for the first time ever, you can nominate your organization for the Super Forum Floyd Awards! Want to defend your title or bring well-deserved attention to your site or community manager? Check out the award categories and start nominating. Award submissions are due by September 1st.
Most Successful Online Community
  • Your community rocks! Whether it was a successful launch or continued strong day-to-day member involvement, we know a community takes creativity, planning and effort. It all becomes worth it when you celebrate the success of your thriving community together.

Best Community Manager
  • A superstar community doesn’t run itself. We know all our community managers are good at what they do, but who is the best of the best? Tell us how your community manager successfully helps members, promotes engagement and handles adversity.

Best Design
  • Yes, we are asking you to brag about how beautiful your site is. Maybe it’s the pleasing aesthetics or smooth navigation. Regardless, beauty shouldn't be kept locked away; we want to hear all about it.

Automation Rule Master
  • Automation rules are a unique artform used to help administrators organize and stay active with users. A true master uses automation rules to add a personal touch to everyday interactions and reinforce positive content creation and engagement from community members — plus much more — all with a click of a button. Does you have what it takes to be considered an automation rule master?

Most Unique Way of Using the Higher Logic Platform
  • Every community is different and we want to hear about the creative ways you use Higher Logic features. How has your unique problem solving helped your community?

Question Title

* Please provide the following information about your community:

Question Title

* Select the award you would like to submit a nomination for: