Your answers to this survey are completely anonymous. They will be used to help ROPS trainers improve their practice and to help the state improve training materials for future trainings.

Thank you so much for your time. 

Question Title

* 2. Please select the date of the training you attended.


Question Title

* 3. Was the training you attended online or in-person?

Question Title

* 5. What is your age?

Question Title

* 6. What is your gender?

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* 7. Please select your race(s) from the list below (check all that apply).

Question Title

* 8. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

Question Title

* 9. Have you ever served in the Armed Forces, Reserves, National Guard, or any other uniformed services?

Question Title

* 10. Which of the following best describes your role(s) in the community? (Check ALL that apply)

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* 11. How did you hear about today's training? (Check ALL that apply)

Question Title

* 12. How would you rate the content of this training in each of the following areas?

  Excellent Good Okay Not very good Poor
Appropriate fit for the audience
Relevance to your personal or professional role
Balance between instruction and discussion

Question Title

* 13. How would you rate the trainer in each of the following areas?

  Excellent Good Okay Not very good Poor
Knowledge of the topic
Facilitation or teaching skills

Question Title

* 14. How much do you 'agree' or 'disagree' with each statement regarding the impact of this training?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
It increased my knowledge and understanding of the science of addiction.
It helped change negative ideas about people with substance use disorders.
It helped me learn about prevention, treatment, or recovery resources in my community.
It provided information, tools, or resources that I can apply to my personal or professional roles.

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* 15. How would you rate the overall quality of this training session?

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* 16. In your personal or professional role, how likely is it that you might encounter someone who is experiencing an opioid overdose in the next 12- to 18-month period?

Question Title

* 17. Based on the information presented in this training, how confident do you feel about your ability to respond to a suspected opioid overdose event using naloxone?

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* 18. Based on the information presented in this training, how confident do you feel about your ability to use fentanyl or xylazine test strips effectively?

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* 19. How has this SOR training helped you in your work or personal life (if at all)?

Question Title

* 20. If you have suggestions to make this training better, please share them below. (Note: Please do not enter your name or any other personal information here.)