"Scientix Online Meeting Room" Request Form - Scientix 4 Question Title 1. Title of event Examples: - iTec management meeting - inGenious webinar on STEM careers in industry - nanOpinion monthly consortium meeting Question Title 2. Short and general description of the purpose of your event / meeting Question Title 3. Would you like to request a room for a regular meeting or a webinar?If regular meeting: at any hour from Monday to Sunday, without technical support during the session. If webinar: between 9:00 and 17:00 (Belgian time) from Monday to Friday, with technical support during the session. Regular meeting (for project meetings, closed workshops, etc.) Webinar (for public events, open workshops, etc.) Question Title 4. When do you want your online meeting to start and end? Remember to check availability in the SOMR calendar. Start Date Time AM/PM - AM PM End Date Time AM/PM - AM PM Question Title 5. Host's information Please note we will be sending the meeting details to this person only. First Name (e.g. Peter, Laura) Last Name (e.g. Kowalski, Coromines) E-mail address Question Title 6. For which project do you want to request the online meeting? Please note: -If you can't find your project here it is because it is not on in the Scientix portal yet-If you want to include it in the Scientix portal, contact us via scientix@eun.org-If you are teacher or organisation needing the use of the Scientix Meeting Online Room during the COVID-19 lock down, just select "Other: Special circumstances" at the end of the drop down menu below (R)amène ta Science! #girlsgonna 21st Century Students 3DP Three Rs Active science ADA - ALGORITHMS THINK DIFFERENTLY Aerospace in Class ALIEN All Aboard Amgen Teach Andalucía Mejor con Ciencia Aquavet Arbolapp ARCturus ARETE ARI-LAB Ark of Inquiry ARTIFEX ASAM ASSESSMAKE21 ASSISTME ASTEP Astro Party Astro Pi astroEDU AstroScope Ateliers de Bioinformatique ATELIER for STE(A)M ATUDA Avanguardie Educative AutoSTEM Balloon Stellar BCNRocks BEACONING Bebras Become an entrepreneur Big Picture BioCannDo BioLearn BioPop BioRoboost Bioscope BIOTALENT BiOutils BLOOM Blue Energy botSTEM BRACKET BRICKS BRITEC Capital digital CARES CASE - Creativity, Art and Science in Primary Education CASSIS Cell EXPLORERS CEYS Chimiscope CHOICE CHREACT Chromosome Cinemaths Paradise CIRO CO.D.E4ALL Co2lab CO2nnect Code + Create CODINC CODING4GIRLS COMnPLAY-Science COMPASS CONNECT CREACIENCIA CREATIONS CRYSTAL CYBERMENTOR Daylighting Rivers Debating Matters Desci DiFuSeEM Digits become alive DIS-CODE Discover Science and Engineering Diversidad Impresa DLPL Do-it-yourSciences DOIT Donne nella scienze DOTS DroneTeam DSG Clubs DZLM e-Bug E-GIFT eCraft2Learn EDU-ARCTIC eduDrone EducaSINC Educa.mint eduMeteo EDUSIMSTEAM EduSismo Edutorij EEOBSS eHAND ELKARMAKER EMPLOY ENEN+ ENGAGE EN.GA.G.E ER4STEM Eratos ERIS eSchool4s ESERO ESERO-UK eTwinning Evokids EU-HOU EU4OCEAN EUMETSAT Minecraft competition EuroSTEAM Expedition Mars ExperimentsAtSchool EXPLORATORI F1 in Schools FaSMEd FCHgo Festival LABIRINT FET-House FiBiĶīMa FIS FIND FINDE CIENTÍFICO FIT4FOOD2030 Friendly Cities FRONTIERS FURN360 FUTURE SPACE Futurum G.A.STEM GAIA Galileo Teacher Training Programme GAMMA GEE GE-STEAM Gender4STEM General Relativity and Cosmology in Secondary Level II/High School Genomic Cookbook Geopiste Geoscience GIGS Girls Day Hungary Go-Lab Going Renewable GREEEN Green Bubbles Green Schools 2.0 for a sustainable future H2FM - How to Feel Maths HandiSciences HEaTED HfS HOLOMAKERS Hot Stuff Climate Net How to Raise an Inventor Hypatia I-CLEEN I&R Industry and Robotics ICCT ICT Edu ICT for IST IDiverSE IMAGINARY iMuSciCA IN2STEAM IncluSMe INNOKAS! InnoTeach INSIGHT INSIGHT EDU inSTEAM INTAROS INTERACT Irresistible ISE ISTEM ITEMS_project Jippo JOBSTEM JPT Junior Science Club Junior University KEPLER ISS Kemma KNORK LabXchange Learn2sea Learn STEM Life Terra LightingdBulb Linkki LINKS LM1 LYKE Network M&L Make it Open Make the link Make World MakeITReal MALIA - Marine litter awareness through learning by doing Malta Robotics Olympiad MARCH Marine Mammals MariSCHOOL Mascil MaSDiV MASS Math4U Maths at home Maths Venture Mathscope MatikkaPysakki MatLan Mediatheque Meet the Scientist MET INSIDE! MISSION MissToHit MLEARN MOBEE MoM MORE MOST MUST My STEAM Network NA-MA POTI Nano-MOOC nanoDiode NanoEduca NanoExplora Nanoinventum Nanokoulu NANOLAB National Network for Schools with Innovative Experience for Primary School (The Network) Nature-Lookout NBS-Pilot NEMESIS NeoTrie VR New Paths in Math NEWTON Next-Lab NQUIRE NQUIRE-IT Ocean Campus ODL - Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories ODYSSEUS II ODYSSEY Ökologischer Fußabdrucksrechner für Schulen OoS OpenEvo Open Forest Open Teach OPI OSOS OUTSIDE PaikkaOppi PARRISE Path2Integrity Pensiero computazionale e cittadinanza digitale Perform Petits Talents Científics Photonics4All PhysiScope Plant Science at School Play4Guidance Playing Europe Play with water POLAR STAR Pollution! Find a STEM solution! PRACE Probot PRODIRO PROSO Pri-Sci-Net PRINT3D PRINT STEM Professor A. Toom Professor Littledigit's Club Profundiza PULCHRA Pulmaario rAn project RiTE Roboscientists Robotics in education ROBOTOR ROEDUSEIS ROTECO RRI tools Ruka u testu SAT Project School for Young Physicists SCHOOL4NET-GEN Sci-News SciChallenge ScienceArt@Umbria Science for All Science in School Science in Schools Science on Saturdays Science on Stage Science4kids Scientific breakthroughs Scientification SCINET Scipiens Schools Study Earthquakes SCORE SCRIPT Sea Change EU SeeingNano SensoCiencia SERA SID Sierpinski Carpet SimplyScience SLinEU SNAC School Networks Alert Citizens protection SOA SOS Pollinators SpaceEU SPACE Space and Teaching Space Awareness SpotLab StarT STE(A)M IT STEAMonEdu STEAM Decks STEAME STELYS STEM STEM: EoF STEM@School STEM4MATH STEM4YOUTH STEMcooking STEMJAM STEMkey STEM Alliance STEM FOR ALL STEM InTeach STEM in Action STEM PD Net STEM School Label STEP STIM STIMEY STING Stochasmos Stories of Tomorrow – Students’ Visions on the Future of Space Exploration SUMMAMUTIKKA Summer STEM Club SUNDIAL SUSTAIN SUSTAIN - Sustainable Landscapes sySTEAM SYSTEMIC Taccle 3 TARA TecDays / TecNights TEMI The Lithuanian naturalist The Sustainable Backpack Thinking Science thymio II Tim Peake Primary Project TinkeringEU2 TinkeringEU3 TIWI TOV TRISEUM TSC TSSP TTTNet U4energy Urban Science UMARG UMI-Sci-Ed Unidad didáctica Up2U - Up to University VENETO NIGHT vidubiology vidumath Vigie-Nature Ecole VirMathLab VIRTUE-s Viten Viva Cognita Warsaw is programming! Waste4Think - Moving Towards Life Cycle Thinking by Integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems We are all archaeology Wetenschap op stap WtER X'hemM? Il-Birgu Xplore Health XuvenCiencia Yerid Young Mathematicians' Contest zdi Ziporim Other: National Contact Point Other: Scientix Ambassador Other: A STEM education organisation Other: Scientix (coordinator) Other: Special circumstances Question Title 7. What is your role in the project? - e.g. Project manager, In charge of dissemination, Project partner, Teacher - If you are a Scientix Ambassador, just write: n/a - If you are member of a Scientix National Contact Point, please indicate for which country- if you selected "Other: a STEM education organisation", please write the name of the organisation Question Title 8. Approximate number of participants expected during the meeting ≤5 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 40 40 - 100 >100 Question Title 9. Please confirm you understand the terms and conditions Yes I understand I will receive an email with the link to access the meeting room. That email contains the information to share with the participants and how to connect. I understand I will receive an email with the link to access the meeting room. That email contains the information to share with the participants and how to connect. Yes I understand that if the host leaves the meeting, the session will be finished for all participants. I understand that if the host leaves the meeting, the session will be finished for all participants. Yes If the webinar option is chosen, I understand that a representative of the Scientix team will stay during the session to assist with any technical issues, but will not intervene. If the webinar option is chosen, I understand that a representative of the Scientix team will stay during the session to assist with any technical issues, but will not intervene. Yes I understand the welcome Slide from Scientix must be shown to all participants at the beginning of the meeting. Failure to do so will limit the project's use of the Scientix Online Meeting Room in the future. I understand the welcome Slide from Scientix must be shown to all participants at the beginning of the meeting. Failure to do so will limit the project's use of the Scientix Online Meeting Room in the future. Yes I understand that if interested in recording the session, it is my responsibility to press the "Record" button. I understand that Scientix will not share the personal details of participants of the session. If a reaction or the list of attendees are needed, I will take handle this myself (e.g. through sharing a URL with a survey or similar at the end of the session with participants). I understand that if interested in recording the session, it is my responsibility to press the "Record" button. I understand that Scientix will not share the personal details of participants of the session. If a reaction or the list of attendees are needed, I will take handle this myself (e.g. through sharing a URL with a survey or similar at the end of the session with participants). Yes I understand that the SOMR does not mean the dissemination of the event. Only by filling in this form Scientix will help with the promotion. I understand that the SOMR does not mean the dissemination of the event. Only by filling in this form Scientix will help with the promotion. Yes Question Title Done