
The Seminar on Original Meaning has three prerequisites ( Constitutional Law I and II, Criminal Procedure: Investigations) and a limited enrollment. Completion of this form enables students to request permission to waive one or more of the prerequisite courses.  For more course information: Original Meaning Home Page

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* 1. Last Name

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* 2. First Name

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* 3. Email address

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* 4. Anticipated date of law school graduation:

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* 5. Full time or part time law student?

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* 6. Check off all of the following courses that you will have completed before Fall 2021:

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* 7. Check off all of the following courses that you expect to take in Fall 2021

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* 8. What is the primary reason you would like to take this course?

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* 9. Explain other relevant educational or other experience that you would bring to the course. (OPTIONAL)

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* 10. Indicate if you are requesting waiver of any of the following prerequisite courses: