General Feedback

Question Title

* 1. What is your role within USSOCOM?

Question Title

* 2. How did you hear about SOF Week?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the sessions you participated in during SOF Week based on their relevance to the SOF Community and the value of the information presented.

  Extremely relevant and valuable Valuable Somewhat valuable Not relevant or valuable Did not attend
USSOCOM Commander Keynote
SOF AT&L Acquisition Executive Keynote
Panel: Attracting and Selecting Key Talent
Panel: Developing and Retaining Talent
Panel: Total Human Performance: Today and Tomorrow
ASD SO/LIC Keynote
Virtual Keynote from Ambassador Caroline Kennedy
Panel: The SOF Value in Strategic Competition
Panel: Partnerships as a Pacing Item
Panel: The Role of SOF in Counter-Terrorism and Crisis Response
Keynote Speech: Major General (Ret.) Delfin Lorenzana, Former Minister of Defense, Philippines
Panel: Harnessing the Power of Tech Innovation for USSOCOM
Panel: Venture Capital Investment in Support of SOF
Panel: Transformative Emerging Technologies
Panel: SOF Leaders Outside of SOF

Question Title

* 4. Is there an area of interest, topic, or specific speaker you would like considered for the SOF Week 2024 conference?

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* 5. Please select from the list below any breakout or professional development sessions you participated in.

Question Title

* 6. Do you have a suggestion for a future breakout or professional development session topic?

Question Title

* 7. What is your opinion about the length of the conference?

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* 8. How satisfied are you with the registration process through AFIT?

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* 9. Please describe the badging process to obtain your attendee badge.

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* 10. How satisfied are you with the enhanced security features including badge checkpoints and the Evolv security system?

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* 11. Did you participate in any of the networking opportunities listed below?

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* 12. What was your overall experience with reserving a hotel room at the per-diem rate using the booking process?

Question Title

* 13. How effective was the pre-event communication in keeping you informed about opportunities available during the week?

  I had no advance knowledge  I had some advanced knowledge  I was aware of this opportunity I participated in this opportunity as a result of advance communication
Conference Sessions
Breakout and Professional Development Sessions
Live Demonstrations and Capabilities Accelerator Rally Point
Networking Opportunities
Exhibition Hall Hours and Capabilities on Display