Call for Research Proposals (Papers)

“Preventing social conflict and promoting social cohesion in forced displacement contexts”

Submission deadline: July 30th, 2020
Fields with * are required.

Question Title

* 1. Lead Author first name:

Question Title

* 2. Lead Author last name:

Question Title

* 3. Title/position:

Question Title

* 4. Organization/institution:

Question Title

* 5. E-mail address:

Question Title

* 6. Phone:

Question Title

* 7. Link to top 5 publications in order of importance (1st of 5):

Question Title

* 8. Link to top 5 publications in order of importance (2nd of 5):

Question Title

* 9. Link to top 5 publications in order of importance (3rd of 5):

Question Title

* 10. Link to top 5 publications in order of importance (4th of 5):

Question Title

* 11. Link to top 5 publications in order of importance (5th of 5):

Question Title

* 12. Number of year(s) of field work experience:

Question Title

* 13. Co-author (1):

Question Title

* 14. Affiliation (1)

Question Title

* 15. Co-author (2):

Question Title

* 16. Affiliation (2)

Question Title

* 17. Co-author (3):

Question Title

* 18. Affiliation (3)

Question Title

* 19. Co-author (4):

Question Title

* 20. Affiliation (4)

Question Title

* 21. Co-author (5):

Question Title

* 22. Affiliation (5)

Question Title

* 23. Comments on diversity of authors:

Question Title

* 24. Geographical area(s) for the proposed study:

Question Title

* 25. Team's field experience in years (relative to the geographical areas studied):

Question Title

* 26. Targeted journals:

Question Title

* 27. Other relevant information:

Question Title

* 28. Upload CV of Lead Researcher (PDF format, max 16MB):

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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Question Title

* 29. Upload the research proposal (PDF format, max 16MB):

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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