Community members

The Shire is seeking feedback from our community with the purpose of informing our Sustainability Plan over the next 5 years. Through this survey we are seeking to identify your environmental concerns, which actions you feel should be prioritised, actions you are undertaking or planning to, and how we may be able to better support and involve you in activities in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Your input is invaluable in helping us build a more sustainable community. As a thank you, we are offering survey participants the chance to WIN a $100 voucher for native seedlings from our local Blackwood Environmental Society nursery. If you would like to be included, please leave your contact details at the end of the completed survey.

Question Title

* 4. Which environmental sustainability issues do you believe are the most important for our Shire to address?
Please rank the below options from 1 (most important) to 8 (least important).

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* 5. How would you prioritise the following actions?
Please rank the below actions from 1 (high priority) to 9 (low priority)

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* 6. Do you currently participate in any of the following actions and/or practices?

  Currently doing Interested in doing/are planning on doing in near future Not doing/not planning on doing
1. Composting/diverting food waste to animals
2. Have installed solar panels and/or batteries to your home
3. Minimise single use plastics (e.g. use your own coffee takeaway cup, buy in bulk)
4. Have purchased a hybrid or electric vehicle
5. Have modified heating/cooling of your home to save energy (e.g. draught proofing, installed insulation, blinds)
6. Recycling beyond recycle bin (e.g. at the Waste Facility and Library for items like batteries and e-waste)
7. Using water and/or energy efficient appliances
8. Have installed rainwater tanks and/or use grey water
9. Have planted native vegetation in your garden
10. Reduced your car use by walking/cycling

Question Title

* 7. How could the Shire enhance or increase community environmental sustainability?
(Please choose a maximum of 6)

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* 9. What would encourage you to get involved in local environmental community events/activities?
Please select at least one answer or leave a comment.

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* 10. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions you would like to share regarding environmental sustainability issues or actions in our community?

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* 11. Would you like the chance to WIN a $100 voucher from the Blackwood Environmental Society (BES) Nursery for native seedlings?

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* 12. Your name (only required if you want to be in the running for the $100 voucher above)

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* 13. Your best form of contact (only required if you want to be in the running for the $100 voucher)