Contact Details

Prior to beginning the application form, please provide us with the following details:

Question Title

* 1. Organisation name:

Question Title

* 2. Sport you represent:

Question Title

* 3. Organisation contact email:

Question Title

* 4. Organisation contact number:

Question Title

* 5. Organisation postal address:

Question Title

* 6. Organisation web links (website, social media):

Question Title

* 7. Your [Applicant] name:

Question Title

* 8. Your [Applicant] role:

Question Title

* 9. Your [Applicant] contact number:

Question Title

* 10. What is your organisation's main motivation for receiving Sport NZ recognition status?

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* 11. Is there an existing National Sports Organisation that your code / organisation could potentially be affiliated with?

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* 12. To receive Sport NZ recognition status, the activity your organisation represents must be a sport.

A sport is defined as: An activity with human participants that requires physical activity and physical skill, which is governed by rules and regulations, and has competition that requires skill rather than chance.

Please confirm your activity is a sport:

Question Title

* 13. If yes, please provide evidence that your activity meets the definition of a sport.

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* 14. Is sport the primary focus of your organisation?

Promoting, supporting, or delivering sport must be the core function of the organisation. We anticipate this will be outlined in your organisational kaupapa / purpose statement, and / or in your rules and constitution.

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* 15. If yes, please provide evidence that sport is the core function of the organisation.

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* 16. What type of organisation are you?

The organisation must be an incorporated society, registered charity, charitable trust, or registered company to receive Sport NZ recognition.

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* 17. Please attach evidence of your answer to the previous question.

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* 18. To receive Sport NZ recognition status, your organisation must be able to demonstrate a commitment to good governance. As a minimum this includes having your powers and objectives clearly outlined in your trust deed, constitution (founding legal document), board policies or charter and a good practice strategy. If you do not have any or all of these please see our Sport NZ website here for more information: Nine steps links | Sport New Zealand - Ihi Aotearoa

Does your organisation have a founding legal document (e.g. trust deed, constitution) that outlines the organisation’s powers and objectives, board policies (or charter), and your strategy?

Please attach, as a minimum, a copy of your founding legal document (that outlines your organisations powers and objectives) and ideally your board policies / charter and strategy.

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* 19. Attachment A

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* 20. Attachment B

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* 21. Attachment C

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* 22. To receive Sport NZ recognition, your organisation must have management systems in place for addressing integrity issues. If you do not have management systems in place, please see our Sport NZ website here for more information:
Member protection policies and procedures | Sport New Zealand - Ihi Aotearoa
Nine steps links | Sport New Zealand - Ihi Aotearoa

Does your organisation have processes in place to manage the following integrity issues?
  • Manage complaints or concerns from your officials, participants and/or the general public
  • Prevent and address harmful behaviour including bullying, violence, abuse, intimidation, harassment, racism, discrimination, and sexual misconduct
  • Prevent and address competition manipulation
  • Prevent and address corruption and fraud
  • Ensure the safeguarding of children and young people.

If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide evidence of the processes you have in place.

Question Title

* 23. Manage complaints or concerns from your officials, participants and/or the general public

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Question Title

* 24. Prevent and address harmful behaviour including bullying, violence, abuse, intimidation, harassment, racism, discrimination, and sexual misconduct

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* 25. Prevent and address competition manipulation

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* 26. Prevent and address corruption and fraud

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Question Title

* 27. Ensure the safeguarding of children and young people.

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Question Title

* 28. Does your organisation accept the jurisdiction of the Sports Tribunal, or have alternative policies in place for addressing disputes?

To receive Sport NZ recognition status, your organisation must accept the jurisdiction of the Sports Tribunal or have alternative policies in place for addressing disputes.

Question Title

* 29. Please provide evidence that your organisation accepts the jurisdiction of the Sports Tribunal, or has alternative policies in place.

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Question Title

* 30. Has your organisation adopted the Sports Anti-Doping Rules?

To receive Sport NZ recognition, your organisation must have adopted the Sports Anti-Doping Rules.

Question Title

* 31. Please attach evidence that confirms your organisation has adopted the Sports Anti-Doping Rules.

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Question Title

* 32. Is your organisation recognised by most people engaging in the sport as the national body for the code?

Note: As the national body for your sport, other organisations within Aotearoa New Zealand, who provide coordination of the sport at the regional or local level, must be able to affiliate to or be direct members of the organisation seeking to obtain recognition.

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* 33. Tell us and / or provide evidence (e.g., letters of support) as to why you believe your organisation represents the national body for your sport.

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* 34. Attach further evidence here.

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* 35. Attach further evidence here.

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* 36. Are there other organisations that claim to be the peak body for your respective sport?

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* 37. If you answered yes to the previous question, tell us and / or provide evidence of any contest made by other organisations, claiming to be the peak body of your respective sport.

Question Title

* 38. Attach evidence here.

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* 39. Is your organisation affiliated to, and recognised by, an international federation?

The organisation should be affiliated to, and recognised by, an international federation where one exists, unless there are exceptional circumstances making affiliation untenable.

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* 40. If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide evidence of your affiliation.

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* 41. Is the Sport your organisation represents, an Olympic or Commonwealth Games sport?

This is not a requirement to receive Sport NZ recognition. However, organisations that are an Olympic or Commonwealth Games sport must be members of the NZ Olympic Committee. Your answer to this question will determine the next question.

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* 42. If you answered yes to the previous question, is your organisation a member of the New Zealand Olympic Committee?

Note: Organisations that are an Olympic or Commonwealth Games sport must be members of the NZ Olympic Committee.

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* 43. If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide evidence of your membership.

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* 44. You understand that obtaining recognition status does not create any obligation on the Sport New Zealand Group or the New Zealand Government to provide funding or any other support to your organisation.

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* 45. You acknowledge that if your application is successful, your Sport NZ recognition status may be revoked immediately, at any point, if it is found that your organisation no longer meets Sport NZ's criteria.

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* 46. The evidence you have provided is current and compliant with the relevant legal standards and authorities (for example, the authorities of Drug Free Sport NZ and The Sports Tribunal). Your organisation holds full responsibility for the accuracy, quality and compliance of the information you have provided.

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* 47. You have the authority and Board agreement to make this application on behalf of your organisation. The information and evidence provided is true and correct, and meets the requirements set out.

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* 48. Attach a signed copy of your Board minutes that confirm you have the authority to make this application on behalf of your organisation.

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