Local Specialist Mental Health & Addiction service concept

A draft high-level concept paper has been developed which sets out a proposed way forward for the delivery of Local Specialist Mental Health & Addiction services. This is the first of a two part consultation process and we are seeking your feedback.

You can view the concept paper here. It would be much appreciated if you could please provide your feedback by 10 February, or email mhachange@ccdhb.org.nz.
1.Does the paper capture the key themes that were discussed during the workshops that took place earlier this year?
2.Do you feel this proposal meets the needs of people who use our services, in particular those of priority populations such as Māori, Pacific and disabled people?
3.Are the proposed changes ambitious enough?
4.Is there anything missing?
5.Is there anything you strongly disagree with in the draft high-level concept?
6.Any other comments?
7.What sector best describes where you work? (Check all that apply.)