Question Title

* 1. How valuable is your Village Newsletter? ​

Question Title

* 2. How interested are you in reading news about other Ryman villages in Victoria, and general Ryman news? ​

Question Title

* 3. What is most important to you when reading newsletter content?​

  Very Important Important Neutral Not Important
My own village content. E.g. Staff profiles, resident profiles, village events, intervillage events​
Content from all Ryman villages. E.g. Staff profiles, resident profiles, village profiles, village events, intervillage events​
Ryman updates. E.g. New sites, site blessing, innovation and enhancements, sponsorships, brand events​
Lifestyle. E.g. keeping active, health professionals, technology, recipes, book review, puzzles ​

Question Title

* 4. The newsletter is currently issued three times a year. How frequently would you like to see the newsletter? ​

Question Title

* 5. How would you prefer to receive the newsletter? ​

Question Title

* 6. Please feel welcome to make additional comments related to village newsletters​