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* 1. What are the primary investment objectives for your HNW/UHNW clients? Rank these in order from most important to least important.

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* 2. How familiar are you with offshore bonds as a wealth planning option for your clients?

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* 3. Do your clients currently hold any offshore bonds?

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* 4. What challenges or concerns do your clients face regarding offshore bonds? Tick all that apply

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* 5. What additional information or resources about offshore bonds would you find useful? Rank these in order from most important to least important.

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* 6. Please rank the following attributes of offshore bond product providers in order of importance to you

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* 7. Have you heard about Utmost Wealth Solutions? – Yes/No

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* 8. If yes, what is your perception of this provider?

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* 9. Are you aware of Utmost Wealth Solutions product offering? – Yes/No

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* 10. Rank the following offshore bond providers in order of preference. If you have not used an offshore bond provider before, please state N/A

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* 11. Please confirm why you given that provider the highest rank.