
Partners working in breast cancer across Nevada continue to be challenged with low rates of screening uptake, continued incidence of late-stage diagnosis, and lag times from screening to diagnosis to treatment. COVID-19 has exacerbated these issues and dropped Nevada's screening rates drastically.  Further, we are about to take another step backwards as the State of Nevada will no longer be allocating $500,000 per year to our Women's Health Connection program.

Nevada Cancer Coalition is re-launching the Breast Cancer Collaborative in southern Nevada, originally formed in 2013, to continue work with partners on increasing breast cancer screening rates and eliminating barriers for women. Before we come together to work, we would like to gather more information on what you see as challenges and barriers to increasing screening and access to timely diagnosis and treatment, and where you also see successes. The following survey will help to collect that information, which will be compiled and shared with you as a starting point to the discussions.  

Your individual responses are confidential. We will only share survey data in aggregate with all other responses. 

Thank you for sharing your important expertise and input!