SNACS - Workshop #2 - Questionnaire on Open Space & Streets

The SNACS study seeks to coordinate existing “Area Plans” and projects in the Showplace Square/SoMa area. The study is analyzing opportunities to improve parks, public spaces and streets to support existing and future growth in the area, as consistent with community input in recent years.

The questions below were also asked at Workshop #2, on February 12th 2020. If you provided comments at the workshop, you do not need to provide additional comments online. Please review the workshop materials in advance of completing the questionnaire. 
1.Public Realm Principles (Board 10): Do you agree with the Public Realm Principles on Board 10? Would you add or change anything?
2.Public Realm Amenities (Board 11): What parks, open space or public amenities does the Showplace/SoMa area need in your opinion? What amenities would help complete your neighborhood? Where are they needed?
3.Connections (Board 12): What physical connections would help complete and connect Mission Bay, SoMa and Showplace Square? What are the barriers in the pedestrian, bike or open space networks?
4.Additional Comments: Please provide any additional comments on the project, tonight’s meeting or neighborhood priorities you would like to discuss at future meetings.
Current Progress,
0 of 4 answered