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The purpose of this survey is to understand your perspective on the impact of COVID-19 on behavioral health and substance use among youth and adolescents.

Please answer the following questions as they relate to changes experienced or observed over the past year (since June 2020) until now.  As you go through the questions, keep in mind that behavioral health is also defined to include substance use symptoms.   

Responses to this survey are confidential and will be reported in aggregate.

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* 1. Please identify your specialty

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* 2. Which best describes your practice setting?

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* 3. Please identify all ethnic groups for which you care and enter approximately what percent of all patients they constitute in your practice setting. The total percentage must equal 100% for all selected options.

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* 4. Approximately what percent of your patients are on public insurance (i.e. Medicaid)?

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* 5. What zip code is your primary practice located?

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* 6. Since June 2020, are you seeing more, the same or less of your patients present with behavioral health symptoms?

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* 7. If you answered more, which problems are you seeing increased?  Please select ALL that apply.

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* 8. Since June 2020, what change in office visits include behavioral health issues?   Please select the closest to what you would estimate.

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* 9. If your practice uses behavioral health screening tools, which ones are you using?  Please select ALL that apply.

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* 10. What are the biggest needs you are seeing in your patients?  (Choose up to 3)

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* 11. Are you able to meet the increased behavioral health needs of your patients?

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* 12. Do you feel comfortable meeting your patients behavioral health needs?

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* 13. In which age ranges are you seeing an increase in behavioral health needs. Please select ALL that apply

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* 14. Thinking about the next 6 months, to what extent do you anticipate an increase in behavioral health needs during your visits?

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* 15. What is your age range?

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* 16. What is your identified race/ethnicity?

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* 17. What is your sex?

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