Participant Information Sheet

You are asked to take part in a study to establish priorities for prehospital research in the rural and remote environment.
Your knowledge, experience and perspective regarding prehospital care will provide valuable insight in the search for rural and remote prehospital research priorities.
The following information tells you about the project. It explains the processes involved with participation. Knowing what is involved will help you decide if you want to take part.
Participation in this research is voluntary, if you don’t wish to take part, you don’t have to. Participation or non-participation will have no impact on your employment.

What is the purpose of this study?
The health care industry is increasingly reliant on quality research to underpin evidence-based practice, identify high value interventions and ensure patient safety. However, there is a limit on the capacity and resources to conduct research, and a lack of comprehensive evidence as to topics of need. This study's purpose is to identify research topics that a consensus of prehospital clinicians consider to be priorities.

Whilst there is no expected direct benefit to you from your participation in this research, assisting to develop a prehospital rural and remote research agenda will enhance paramedicine as a profession and impact the quality and experience of patients.

This study has been initiated by the Information Support, Research and Evaluation Unit of the Office of the Medical Director, Queensland Ambulance Service.

What does participation involve?
Part A: An online survey, approximately 15-20 minutes duration where you will be asked to rate identified research topics by priority, and have the opportunity to suggest additional research topics. This will be referred to as Round One.

Part B: Having participated in the first round you will be asked to complete a second survey, known as Round Two, approximately 3 weeks later, where you will be provided the compiled responses from Round One and asked whether you agree with them or not. For example, if from Round One the research topic Cardiac was given a rating of high priority, in Round Two you would be asked if you agree or not. The rounds will continue until consensus is reached; it is expected that this will require three to four rounds.

Therefore, full participation will involve the completion of three to four brief surveys over two to three months.

Participation in this research is voluntary.

Should you feel that some of the questions we ask are stressful or upsetting, or you do not wish to answer a question, you may stop immediately and withdraw from the study. If you become upset or distressed as a result of your participation, the research team will be able to arrange for appropriate support.
Who has reviewed the research project?
Ethical approval to conduct the study has been provided by the Human Research Ethics Committee of The Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service. This project will be carried out according to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007). This statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies.

Human Research Ethics Committee Information
The Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study. If you have any concerns and/or complaints about the project, the way it is being conducted or your rights as a research participant and would like to speak to someone independent of the project, please contact the HREC Office.
HREC Coordinator
Contact telephone:
(07) 3069 7002

Should you have any concerns or complaints please contact the Director of Research, Dr Emma Bosley (; Telephone 07 3635 1405).

If you suffer any distress as a result of this research project, please contact Nathan Daley from the research team. You will be assisted with arranging appropriate support through Priority One for Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) employees and Lifeline for non QAS employees.

Research team contact person:

Name: Nathan Daley
Position: Operational Research Officer, Information Support, Research & Evaluation, QAS
Contact telephone: (07) 3635 1408
What will happen to information about me?
We are conducting this survey using SurveyMonkey, which means that the information collected in this survey will be transferred outside Australia and stored securely on SurveyMonkey's servers. By volunteering to complete this survey you agree to this transfer. You can find out more about how SurveyMonkey handles your personal information here. Each participant will be assigned an anonymising ID number and all information provided will be coded against this number, to maintain participant confidentiality.

All collected data will be stored securely by Queensland Ambulance Service. Electronic files will be stored on a secure, password protected server. All data collected will be held for a period of 7 years, at which point it will be destroyed via secure protocols.

Only de-identified, aggregated data will be used in the report and other publications to ensure respondent anonymity and confidentiality. Your information will only be used for the purpose of this project. It is anticipated that the results of this study will be presented in a variety of forums. In any publication and/or presentation, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified, except with your express permission.

Question Title

* 1. Consent:
By electing to continue to the next screen and completing the survey, it is taken that you consent to participation in this research, and that you:
- have read the participant information above;
- understand the purposes, procedures and risks of the research described in the project;
- freely agree to participate in this research project as described and understand that you are free to withdraw at any time during the project without any personal impacts.