The Santa Maria Valley Chamber will be updating their strategic plan for 2024 - 2027. Your input will have a direct impact on the programs and initiatives we prioritize in the coming years. We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. 
A Spanish version of this survey is available here.

Question Title

* 1. From your perspective what are the top 3 issues facing the community that the Chamber, Visitors Bureau or Economic Development Commission are well suited to address?

Question Title

* 2. Which one of these is impacting you most significantly? (Or is most critical)

In 2020 the Santa Maria Chamber, Visitors Bureau, and Economic Development Commission developed four strategic focus areas with specific initiatives contained within each area. In questions 3-6, please rank your awareness of these focus area initiatives:

Question Title

* 3. Community Attractors: Enhance the attractiveness of Santa Maria Valley as a place to live, play and work

  Unaware Some knowledge Very aware and/or involved
Downtown redevelopment projects, including housing and retail
Tourism marketing campaigns positioning the Santa Maria Valley as a value destination on the Central Coast
Spotlighting local businesses through communications platforms and partnerships with the Santa Maria Times and the Santa Maria City Council

Question Title

* 4. Strong local workforce: Aligning education and training with business needs

  Unaware Some knowledge Very aware and/or involved
Junior CEO
Partnerships with the school system to connect students and businesses through internships and guest speaker programs
Leadership Santa Maria Valley

Question Title

* 5. Engaged Leadership: Ensure community leaders are informed, engaged, and consider the impact to business of community decisions.

  Unaware Some knowledge Very aware and/or involved
Monthly Business/Government Roundtable
Community update events (State of the City, State of Vandenberg, etc.)
Weekly e-blasts, monthly newsletter, and quarterly magazine to highlight and inform decision-makers and the community
Regional Partnerships (REACH Central Coast, Tri-County Chamber Alliance) to maximize our voice in economic and legislative efforts

Question Title

* 6. Increasing Business Activity: Support growth in economic activity

  Unaware Some knowledge Very aware and/or involved
Marketing and networking opportunities for local businesses
Business support and resources
Hispanic Business Committee
Reviewing the same list, please now provide feedback on whether we should continue each initiative.

Question Title

* 7. Community Attractors: Enhance the attractiveness of Santa Maria Valley as a place to live, play and work

  Do not continue Continue Uncertain
Downtown redevelopment projects, including housing and retail
Tourism marketing campaigns positioning the Santa Maria Valley as a value destination on the Central Coast
Spotlighting local businesses through communications platforms and partnerships with the Santa Maria Times and the Santa Maria City Council

Question Title

* 8. Strong local workforce: Aligning education and training with business needs

  Do not continue Continue Uncertain
Junior CEO
Partnerships with the school system to connect students and businesses through internships and guest speaker programs
Leadership Santa Maria Valley

Question Title

* 9. Engaged Leadership: Ensure community leaders are informed, engaged, and consider the impact to business of community decisions.

  Do not continue Continue Uncertain
Monthly Business/Government Roundtable
Community update events (State of the City, State of Vandenberg, etc.)
Weekly e-blasts, monthly newsletter, and quarterly magazine to highlight and inform decision-makers and the community
Regional Partnerships (REACH Central Coast, Tri-County Chamber Alliance) to maximize our voice in economic and legislative efforts

Question Title

* 10. Increasing Business Activity: Support growth in economic activity

  Do not continue Continue Uncertain
Marketing and networking opportunities for local businesses
Business support and resources
Hispanic Business Committee

Question Title

* 11. In addition to the four areas we’ve just discussed, do you have suggestions for other focus areas where the Chamber should be a leader as a catalyst, convener, or champion?

Question Title

* 12. Any other suggestions, insights or comments you would like to include?