Presenter Registration - High School Marine Science Symposium

Thank you for volunteering your time and talents to participate in the 2020 High School Marine Science Symposium! We will be hosting one event this year: March 5th at Northeastern University. Including setup and breakdown, you can expect your time commitment to be from approximately 8:30 am-12:30 pm.  If you have any questions, please contact Emily Duwan at or call 781-581-7370, x373. Emily will reach out to you in early January to let you know if you have been selected to present.

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* 1. Please provide some contact information for the presenter(s)

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* 2. We are offering two different opportunities for presenters to interact with students. One option is to lead three back-to-back 40-minute workshops. The other is to engage students via a shorter interactive demonstration/activity at a table, in a "career fair" type format, where students will be able to move between different tables rotating through in 40-minute sessions with a 10-minute break between each session. Presenting groups are welcome to sign up for either or both opportunities. If you sign up for both, please send at least two presenters from your organization because the workshops and interactive demonstrations will happen simultaneously.

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* 3. Please provide a title for your workshop or table demonstration - suggested length is 6-12 words

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* 4. Workshop presenters only: Please provide a workshop description of about 50-75 words. This will be used by students to select their workshop registration preferences, and will appear in the event program, so be specific about your proposed activity/format.

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* 5. Workshops presenters only: We discourage a straight lecture-style format as this is unlikely to keep students engaged for 40 minutes. Please describe the format of your workshop (e.g., demonstration, games, hands-on activity, role-play/discussion activity, etc.), speaking specifically to techniques you will use that are appropriate for engaging high school students. If you need assistance in this area, please indicate this, and we can brainstorm with you about best practices to engage this age group. 

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* 6. Table demonstrations only: We require each table to have a hands-on, interactive component. Please describe how you will engage students/get them to come over to your table.

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* 8. Apart from projectors, which we will provide in every room, please describe any other specific needs you might have with regard to WiFi/internet connection, audio/visual equipment, tables versus desks, proximity to water, electricity, whiteboard, etc.  Please note that we will try to accommodate all requests, and will be in touch if we aren't able to meet your needs.

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* 9. All presenters will be provided with a light breakfast and lunch, but staying for lunch is not required. Should we plan to include you in our headcount for lunch? If yes, do you have any dietary preferences?

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* 10. Do you have any other needs or questions at this time?