General Questions

Welcome to the Salida Mountain Trails Member/User Survey! We appreciate you taking approximately 10 minutes to complete this survey. This survey is one step on the path toward assessing SMT's performance as an organization in its most essential role in the community. It will help the leadership and staff examine the organization’s strengths, opportunities, challenges and future direction from many perspectives. This information will directly impact the strategic planning process and help SMT leadership to identify areas to address with strategic actions that will build a path towards a stronger and healthier organization.

Answers to questions are submitted directly to Smoyer & Associates. Only the aggregate answers are shared with SMT's board and staff via a summary report.

Question Title

* 1. How do you use the trails in the SMT network? (Select all that apply)

  Arkansas Hills Methodist Mountain Monarch Crest Trail
Mountain biking
Dog walking
Time outside in nature
Socializing (time with friends/family)
Viewing wildlife
Viewing scenery/nature
School and/or group outings
Special events (Eg. races)

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with the following opportunities in the SMT trail network:

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Technical mountain biking
Flow-trail mountain biking
Beginner-friendly mountain biking
Adaptive mountain biking
Hiking (general)
Hiking (steep)
Trail running (general)
Trail running (steep)
Short routes
Long routes
Hike/running only options
Bike-only options (skills park)

Question Title

* 3. Please rank what you value most about Salida’s trail network. (PLEASE NOTE: If something does not apply please select N/A. If you select N/A the ranking numbers may shift and change, so please review again to be sure you've selected your rankings correctly.)

Question Title

* 4. How did you first learn about Salida Mountain Trails as an organization?

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied are you with SMT’s work/programs in the following areas?:

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Trail maintenance
Trail planning
Trail construction
Trail accessibility
Parking and trailhead infrastructure
Trailhead amenities/facilities (eg. restrooms, trash cans)
Wayfinding (signage & maps)
Rest / benches along trails
Races (Banana Belt, FIBike)
Spring Kickoff Event
Fall Fundraiser / Member Party

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied are you with SMT as an organization in the following areas?:

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Communication — Newsletter, Social Media
Volunteer opportunities — (e.g., trail work events, leadership roles)
Community engagement — Opportunities for Input on trail development and maintenance (e.g., surveys, meetings for feedback)
Digital experience (e.g., website)
Trail Etiquette & Safety – Address conflicts between different trail users
Trail User Education
Public Land Stewardship — Clean up events
Opportunities for social engagement

Question Title

* 7. How strongly do you feel about the following additional resources or services SMT could provide?:

  A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all
Organized group rides or events (e.g., social rides/runs, meetups)
Pump track or similar facility
Expanded bike park with more challenging jump lines
Expand the bike park with more easy/intermediate opportunities
Expand the bike park with more skill-specific features (eg rock garden, drops etc.)
Educational programs (e.g. interpretive hikes)
Youth skills clinics
Women-only programming (skills clinics, social events)

Question Title

* 8. In the past year have you encountered trail conflicts on the following trails?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Arkansas Hills
Methodist Mountain
Monarch Crest Trail

Question Title

* 9. If you have had conflicts in the past year, select the type of user conflicts you have encountered for each trail system: (Select all that apply)

  Arkansas Hills Methodist Mountain Monarch Crest Trail
Yes, with hikers
Yes, with trail runners
Yes, with bikers
Yes, with horseback riders
Yes, with off-leash dogs
Yes, with motorized vehicles (ATVs, dirt bikes, etc.)

Question Title

* 10. Are you currently a member of Salida Mountain Trails?