FY2021 EIR Early-Phase Competition_4

Notice of Intent to Apply

Applicants are encouraged to notify the Department of intent to submit an application for funding under the Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Early-Phase Competition.  Completing a Notice of Intent to Apply is NOT mandatory in order to apply for an EIR grant.  An entity that submits a notice of intent to apply is not obligated to apply for an EIR grant, nor is it bound to the information provided in its notice of intent to apply. 
1.Organization Name
4.Zip Code
5.Please indicate which eligible applicant type reflects your organization. 
6.If you plan to apply in partnership, please specify the type of partners.
7.Are you applying as a rural applicant?
8.Which Absolute Priority are you applying for?
9.If applicable, please select which, if any, competitive preference priorities you are considering addressing.