WA NDIS Service Providers & Sector Workers Survey |
Creating tailored training to meet your needs
We are contacting you today to ask for your input on a culture-changing online learning resource that will help educate, retain, and attract staff in the disability sector.
The Social Inclusion Series is a collection of online training modules that is values-based and motivates staff to STAY in the sector by increasing job satisfaction and engaging them in content about the rights of people with disability featuring best-practice industry-led experts, the voices of people with lived experience and disability workers.
Your participation in our brief survey will help us identify your training needs, ensuring that this culture-changing resource will meet your requirements.
It should only take you 2 minutes to complete.
This Social Inclusion Series is administered by National Disability Services WA and funded by the Department of Communities.
Further information
If you need assistance completing the survey or would like to get involved in the Social Inclusion Series, please contact Anne Marliac on annem@inclusionsolutions.org.au