Law Firm Technology Launch Experiences

The LMA Technology Committee seeks input from in-house law firm marketers for a “Lessons from the trenches” white paper that will become a resource for members to review as they take on the task of researching and launching a new marketing technology product. We are looking to share your experiences – what went right, what went wrong – that your firm’s internal marketing department discovered during the process.

In-house law firm marketers ONLY: Please take a few moments to respond to these 5 questions. We appreciate your thoughtful feedback and comments. While we greatly value our service provider members, this survey is limited to in-house legal marketers.

Do NOT name vendors or branded product names, this is only about the internal experience the marketing department had launching the product, not the product itself.

We have identified some common marketing technology products that we know any marketing department will launch in any given year:

· Website overhaul (bios, photos, PGDs, video)
· Blog
· Proposal generator
· Experience database
· App
· Internet/Extranet
· Event Management Software
· Other

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* 1. What was the product you launched in 2015 (or are at least 75% ready to launch soon)?

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* 2. What went right, i.e. what did you/your team do that was particularly effective at any point of the process?

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* 3. What was your biggest challenge and how did you resolve it?

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* 4. Were the firm's expectations of timeline and budget for this technology on point, or were unplanned costs and extra time required?

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* 5. What would you do differently now, if you had to embark on a different technology in the next year, that you learned from your experiences in managing a marketing technology launch?