October 17-19, 2022

Question Title

* 1. Your input is important – completed evaluations allow us to assess Forum success and to plan for future Forums.

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* 2. Are you a(n):

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* 3. Is this your first SMI Forum?

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* 4. Please rate the SMI Welcome Reception held Monday, October 17th at 5:30 PM [1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)]:

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* 5. Please rate the SMI Evening Dinner Celebration (Mexican Fiesta) held Tuesday, October 18th at 6:00 PM [1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)]:

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* 6. Your overall rating of this Forum is... [1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)]

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* 7. How was the Forum hotel and meeting space? [1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)]:

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* 8. Did you find networking opportunities were available and meaningful? [1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)]:

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* 9. How likely are you to recommend SMI to a colleague? [1 (Not Likely) - 5 (Highly Likely)]

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* 10. In your opinion, did the Forum meet its objective? [1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)]

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* 11. Was the meeting cadence and schedule appropriate? [1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)]

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* 12. How was the Forum organization and what can we do better to improve your Forum experience?

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* 13. I was most surprised by:

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* 14. My best learning/take-away from this Forum was:

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* 15. What could we do to make the Forums more impactful for you??

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* 16. Do you have a topic, an article, a success story that you want to share with the SMI members? If so, please list and provide your contact information.

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* 17. Do you have a colleague or know of an industry speaker who would benefit our membership by speaking at a future Forum?

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* 18. Do you know a supply chain executive who would bring and find strategic value as a new member of SMI? If so, please list the organization, contact information and provide your contact information.

100% of survey complete.