Southmedic Blades and Scalpels: User Survey


Southmedic is committed to providing high quality medical blades and scalpels. In an effort to continue providing the best quality blades and scalpels, we are looking to gather feedback on your experience with these products. Your experience and opinions will help ensure we are meeting your needs and also help us identify areas of improvement. The information you provide will remain anonymous. 
1.When using a Southmedic blade/scalpel, how would you score the resistance?
1. Very resistant
2. Resistant
3. Neither resistant or smooth
4. Smooth
5. Very smooth
Please rate your experience.
2.Aesthetically, how precise was the cut?
1. Very imprecise
2. Imprecise
3. Neither imprecise or precise
4. Precise
5. Very precise
Please rate the aesthetics.
3.How sharp did the blade/scalpel feel?
1. Very dull
2. Somewhat dull
3. Neither dull nor sharp
4. Somewhat sharp
5. Very sharp
Please rate the sharpness.
4.How sharp does the Southmedic blade/scalpel feel compared to other brands?
1. Much duller
2. Slightly duller
3. About the same
4. Slightly sharper
5. Much sharper
6. I don't use other brands
Please select one:
5.How easily could your remove the sheath and/or deploy the safety guard? If you only use Southmedic blades, please select N/A.
1. Very difficult
2. Somewhat difficult
3. Neither easy nor difficult
4. Somewhat easy
5. Very easy
6. N/A
Removing the sheath:
Retracting the guard:
Closing the guard:
Locking the guard:
6.How satisfied are you with the feel of the Southmedic scalpel in your hand? If you only use Southmedic blades, please skip this question.
1. Extremely unsatisfied
2. Somewhat unsatisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
4. Somewhat satisfied
5. Very satisified
7.What is your job title/role (for example, are you a nurse, a surgeon)?
8.In what type(s) of procedure(s) do you use Southmedic's blades/scalpels?
9.What Southmedic blade/scalpel models do you often use (for example, #11 safety scalpel)?
10.Please let us know if you have any other comments.
We appreciate your feedback and thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. If you would like to get in touch with Southmedic, please contact our customer service department at or call us at 1-800-463-7146.