KennisIS All of Us Survey - About Fireworks

In the 2021 KennisIS All of Us Survey, 68% of respondents said fireworks were “very important” or “somewhat important” in terms of supported activities for our members, with comments about fireworks being a long-standing tradition for our lakes. At the same time, there was also significant feedback about the negative impacts of fireworks on the environment, pets and wildlife.

In 2024 for the first time ever, the KLCOA used a commercial, qualified vendor to prepare and deliver our fireworks show. This significantly reduced complexity for the KLCOA in terms of permitting, insurance and overall liability.

This survey is intended to gather feedback from our members to help the KLCOA board of directors determine the future direction of fireworks or other types of displays – these have traditionally taken place around Canada Day.

Please answer all questions – the survey is anonymous. You will be given an opportunity for additional feedback at the end of the survey.

We truly appreciate your feedback and will communicate our future plans based on the results!

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* 1. Are you a member of the KLCOA?

(A member is anyone who is a family member of a cottage on the Kennisis Lakes that has a current paid membership - Non members are also welcome to do the survey)

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* 2. How do you think this year’s fireworks show compared to previous years?

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* 3. How would you describe your enjoyment of the KLCOA organized fireworks event?

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* 4. Do you feel that the fireworks event is consistent with the KLCOA’s stated purpose (below)?

"To promote a strong sustainable community of property owners on the Kennisis Lakes through leadership, education and communication for the benefit of our members and to protect the natural environment for future generations."

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* 5. How comfortable are you that a portion of your $50.00 membership fees are directed toward the KLCOA fireworks event, the remainder being raised through sponsorship dollars. The 2024 fireworks budget was $8,000 out of a total KLCOA budget of approximately $43,000?

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* 6. The KLCOA has completed some initial investigations into alternative shows such as laser and drone displays. So far, it appears that each of these comes with a significant increase in cost – perhaps $20,000 or more. How comfortable would you be with the KLCOA spending that amount on a single event?

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* 7. Funds for an alternative show would likely need to come from both fees and sponsorships – the amount of funds would determine the quality and duration of the event. Would you be willing to pay an additional $10-20 per year in membership fees to cover the cost for these alternative types of shows (laser, drone)?

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* 8. Considering the positive benefits and negative impacts of a traditional fireworks display, are you in favour of the KLCOA continuing to organize a central fireworks event, when conditions permit?

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* 9. How concerned are you that more people will set off fireworks in the absence of a KLCOA organized event?

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* 10. What type of show would you like to see in 2025?

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* 11. Do you have any other feedback you would like to share with us about fireworks or alternatives?