San Miguel County Comprehensive Plan Questionnaire

San Miguel County is starting to update its comprehensive plan, and we would like to ask you a few questions to start understanding your concerns and ideas for the future of the County.
The survey will only take about 5 minutes to complete and your response will be anonymous, unless you'd like to give us your contact information in order to receive notice of future meetings and other activities.

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* 1. Where do you live?

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San Miguel Sub-Area Map

San Miguel Sub-Area Map

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* 2. Do you anticipate remaining in San Miguel County for the next:

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* 3. What issues are most important to you for the future of San Miguel County?
Please check your top FIVE

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* 4. What Industries would you like to see expand in San Miguel County?
Please check your TOP THREE

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* 5. How important is improving youth retention in the County?

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* 6. How can housing be improved in San Miguel County?
Please check your top THREE

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* 7. How can San Miguel County promote small business development?
Please check your top THREE

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* 8. What are your big ideas for improving San Miguel County?

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* 9. Yes, I would like to receive updates about the San Miguel County Comprehensive Plan process?