Kilburn Oasis Project on Priory Park Road, off Kilburn High RD

The Kilburn Oasis Project aims to provide a pocket park at the Kilburn end of Priory Park Road NW6 7UJ (opposite Aldi) from Glengall Passage up to the bollards at Ryde House. The local residents association (BESt) received funding from One Kilburn to host an event on Friday 20th September (12:30-6:30pm) in support of the Kilburn Oasis Project. This event aims to draw attention as to how this space could be transformed and give residents and visitors the opportunity to envisage it as a green area / public park for Kilburn. This Survey is an important part of the Kilburn Oasis Project, please let us have your views and opinions.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. Are you

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* 3. What is your home postcode

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* 5. If you answered yes please expand on your answer

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* 6. How often do you visit the Kilburn High RD

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* 7. Main reason for visiting Kilburn High RD?

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* 8. If you answered "Other" to question above please give details

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* 9. How did you travel to Kilburn High RD today

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* 10. If you drove to Kilburn today did you ?

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* 11. What issues prevent you from travelling to Kilburn by bike, click those that apply?

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* 12. What issues prevent you from walking to Kilburn

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* 13. Kilburn Oasis is a project to "green" the Kilburn end of Priory Park RD, making it a car free public space. Do you support this idea?

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* 14. Give reasons if you wish

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* 15. If the Kilburn Oasis space was to be car free what activity would you like to see take place, please rank options below

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* 16. What other activities would you like to see in the Kilburn Oasis?

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* 17. Would you support a mobility hub as part of the Kilburn Oasis project. Mobility hubs provide safe and secure parking for bikes, docking stations for bikes and scooters

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* 18. How important do you consider it is to improve air quality

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* 19. How would you describe your knowledge and understanding of the causes of and solutions to, local air pollution?

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* 20. If you would like to be kept informed about the Kilburn Oasis Project please provide an Email address