Park Visitor Feedback

The Wellington Park Management Trust invites Park users to provide feedback on their visit!

1.What is the MAIN reason you have visited Wellington Park today?
2.What activities have you participated in during this visit to the Park? (tick all that apply)
3.How satisfied were you with your visit to Wellington Park?
4.How long did you spend in Wellington Park today?
5.How important are the following to your visit?
Very important
Not important
Having high quality infrastructure and facilities
Being surrounded by nature
Being able to learn about the natural, cultural and heritage values of the Park
Being able to undertake recreational activities
6.What did you enjoy most about your visit?
7.What did you enjoy least about your visit?
8.How did you travel to the Park today?
9.If you travelled by car (hire car, own car or campervan), how many people were in you vehicle, including yourself?
10.How often do you visit Wellington Park? 
11.Where do you live?
12.If you live in Australia, what is your postcode?
13.Which age group do you belong to?
14.We welcome any further comment that you have about your visit