One Response per Club/Service is sought by 27th January 2017

Surf Life Saving Sydney is currently seeking feedback from Clubs and Services relating to the new Digital Network and SurfCom to ensure patrol needs are suitably met.
Could you please complete the below survey and submit by Friday 27th January 2017.

We would ask that only ONE response per club/service be submitted.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Question Title

* 1. Network Coverage:  Compared to the previous Analogue network how would you rate the current network?

Question Title

* 2. Network Transmission Clafity: Compared to previous Analogue network how would you rate the current coverage?

Question Title

* 3. Current service level provided by SurfCom: How would you rate the current service level provided by SurfCom?

Question Title

* 4. Are there any other comments you would like to provide regarding the radio network or SurfCom? Please be factual and detailed

Question Title

* 5. Please enter