Exit this survey Service-Learning Pre-Service Student Survey Question Title * 1. As a college student have you had any prior Service-Learning experience? Yes No Question Title * 2. If yes, please describe (e.g project, class, instructor, etc.) Question Title * 3. Why did you enroll in this class? Required as part of my major/minor I like the instructor My advisor recommended the course It was offered at a convenient time I wanted to participate in a Service-Learning project Question Title * 4. Do you have concerns about the proposed Service-Learning assignment? Yes No Question Title * 5. If yes, please specify Question Title * 6. What do you expect to learn or gain from this Service-Learning activity? Learn something new about my field of study Learn real-life applications of course materials Improve my critical thinking skills Strengthen my communication abilities Improve my leadership skills Expand my social and/or professional networks Meet a community need Do not expect to learn anything Don't know Question Title * 7. I believe I have a good understanding of the needs and problems facing the community where I am going to provide service. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 8. I have a responsibility to serve the community in which I live. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 9. I learn course content best when connections to real world situations are made. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 10. Which of these statements most closely reflects your attitude toward service projects in general. The most important service changes public policy The most important service helps individuals The most important service creates programs to address social problems Question Title * 11. I feel I can have a positive impact on the community in which I live. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 12. I probably will not be involved in a service project in my community after this course ends. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 13. What is your student class level? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Question Title * 14. Information about you and the project. Course title Instructor's name Your major Your gender Today's date Done