Question Title

* 1. Do you agree with the following statement: I have a clear understanding of the vision for CDTRP and the change that the network would like to create in the donation and transplant ecosystem?

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate the CDTRP's competency in each of the following areas?

  Non-existent Barely competent Somewhat competent Competent Extremely competent
Defining and aligning on vision and desired outcome for CDTRP
Tracking and reporting the impact of CDTRP
Leveraging the network for supporting research innovation
Leveraging the network for facilitating data and information exchange
Leveraging the network for connecting members
Identifying and acting on creative and innovative ideas
Incorporating the voice and knowledge of patients/family/donors

Question Title

* 3. Please rank the following in terms of the value you receive as a member of the CDTRP

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* 4. Do you think that CDTRP provides you with enough value as a member that you would be willing to pay a membership fee (or, if applicable ask your organization to pay for it)?

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* 5. If you answered "No" to the previous question, why not? If you answered "Yes," what do you think would be a fair institutional contribution ($ per year) to support the network?

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* 6. Given the unique position of the network at the center of the donation and transplantation ecosystem, where do you think CDTRP would be able to add the most value?

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* 7. Any other comments that you would like to leave us with?

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100% of survey complete.