2024-25 Commercial League Hockey will look a bit different this year!

The League has taken over the rostering of teams, i.e. you will be assigned a team and provided a jersey to be returned at the end of the season. We will endeavour to keep players who want to play on the same team together and are open to slight roster adjustments if we get something wrong.

A one-time registration fee of $475 is due before October 1, 2024, payable by EMT to SLHL@slatefallsair.com. Registration fees will be paid to the League rather than a team captain. Registrants who are exclusively goaltenders are exempt from the registration fee.

In the event we receive fewer than 45 registrants by October 1, 2024, the League will be suspended for the season and all $475 payments will be refunded.

REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE after 60 registered and paid players.

I expect that registration fees will reduce in 2025-26 by removing the league purchase of jerseys as well as eliminating debt recovery from the disastrous 2023-24 season.

These changes are necessary to ensure the long-term financial and operational viability of our League.

24/25 Season structure:
Each team will play 24 regular season games plus playoffs. Exact playoff structure TBD depending on number of teams. Games are officiated by 2 officials in the regular season and 3 in the playoffs. A paid timekeeper runs the clock for our games that run 3x 15 minute stop time.

Questions or concerns may be addressed to Matt at 738-0037 or emailed to SLHL@slatefallsair.com.

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* 1. Full Name

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* 2. Cellphone

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* 4. Preferred Position

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* 5. Beer League Skill Level

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* 6. Availability
We have scheduled ice for Wedensday, Friday and Sunday nights. In order to balance rosters, please indicate your general availability based on these days. (Ice dates may change based on how many teams we end up with. First to go will be Wednesdays!)

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* 7. Previous Hockey Experience, or if you've played in the SLHL before, your previous team(s).

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* 8. The League has taken over the rostering of teams. If there are any specific players or former teammates you would prefer to play with on the same team, please leave your comments here. We will do our best. Team assignments and jersey distributions will be made by the first week of October.

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I agree to pay my registration fee of $475 by EMT on or before October 1, 2024, sent to SLHL@slatefallsair.com.

I am 18 years of age or older as of October 1, 2024 or I will have a parent or guardian complete my Waiver of Liability before start of play.

I further agree to return my jersey to the League at the end of the season in good condition, or otherwise agree to pay $100 for a jersey replacement fee.

I have read and accept the Waiver of Liability, available here.

I have read and accept the 2024 House Rules, available here.

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* 10. Home Address
This is required for insurance purposes.