Pitkin County Open Space and Trails, City of Aspen Parks and Open Space, and the Elected Officials Transportation Committee want your feedback on the costs, benefits, and level of support for a new trail connection between the Aspen Airport Business Center (AABC) and the Brush Creek Park and Ride.
Closing this missing gap in the regional trail system would provide a consistent-grade paved trail connection into Aspen. All possible trail alignment options were studied in a Feasibility Study completed in 2022. The Twin Bridges Alignment was recommended to connect the regional trail system through this challenging area due to a number of factors including constructability, maintenance, user experience and costs.
Learn more about the trail alignment alternatives analyzed in our Fact Sheet.
The Twin Bridges utilizes the existing Rio Grande Trail linked by two bridges over the Roaring Fork Gorge, one bridge north of the AABC and the other at the Brush Creek Park and Ride. This connection can be phased over time or portions of the trail could be completed independently.
We want to hear from you!

Please complete this survey to let us know your level of support for the Twin Bridge connection.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live?

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate how important each of the following values is to you when considering a new trail connection.

  Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Unsure/Don't know
Climate change and reducing emissions
Recreational opportunities
Access to multimodal transit options 
Access to nature and open space 
Cost of project
Equitable Access (ADA / Serving Underserved Areas) 
Scenic Quality 

Question Title

* 3. How often do you use the Brush Creek Park & Ride for the following reasons?

  Often (at least once a week) Sometimes (at least once a month) Rarely (once/few times a season) Never
Primary bus stop (start and stop rides at this location)
Carpool meet up
Passing through on bus or transferring on a bus
Parking for recreational use and access to the trail system
Pass through as part of a bike ride
Special event parking
Skier parking
Parking to access fishing

Question Title

* 4. Please use the scale below to rate your desire for improved connectivity between the Aspen Airport Business Center and the Brush Creek Park and Ride.

0 - Low Desire 10 - High Desire