
Hello Members and Associates,

This online form is designed to conveniently help you submit a 3 year financial commitment to The Community Church of Chapel Hill Unitarian Universalist towards the "Building on our Legacy" Capital Fund. 

If you have any concerns about the use of this online form, please use the traditional paper pledge form.

If you would like assistance completing this form, please email or call (919) 229-9452 to speak with our Congregational Administrator, Dana. She can provide you with your past pledge information and help you to fill out this form.   Dana can also help you to set up Automatic Electronic Draft Giving through Vanco Services.

Respond to each item below. The items with an asterisk "*" are required. Check your answers before proceeding. When you are ready to record your pledge, click on "Next" at the bottom of the page.

If you are immediately returned to this page, look for an error message over an item suggesting that you correct an error. After making correction(s), again click on "Next".

If you wish to exit at any time, you may click on the "exit" button in the top right hand corner of any page. If you exit via this button, your responses will not be recorded.

When you are satisfied with your responses to all of the required answers and you wish to submit your results, click on "done" found on the last page. The system will acknowledge your success with a "Thank you".