Nominate now in the Scots Language Awards 2024!

Hands Up for Trad cannae wait tae welcome ye tae the 2024 Scots Leid Awards in partnership with East Ayrshire Cooncil. The thocht ahint the awards is tae heighlicht oor braw Scots Leid, bringin it forrit intae the een o the public a media in aa its mony forms.

The Scots Leid Awards ceremony itsel wi aa the winners wull be on the nicht o 14th September in Cumnock Toon Ha' (East Ayrshire). The Awards are spreid ower eleven categories an alangside o the ‘lifetime achievement award’ gie richtfu recognition tae the mony dedicatit fowk wha ower years lang syne an intae oor ain time gie thir aa tae makin shair the guid Scots leid is keepit tae the fore in its cultur, music an wirds. Buy a ticket

Afore we get tae aa this, we wad like tae ken wha, in your opeenion, it wad be fittin tae hae in oor final nominations. In that speerit, hae a think aboot yer ain favourit fowk an organisations then fill in the form ablaw wi yer chusins. The closin date is 4th August. The final nominations wull be annooncit on 26th August.

Stey abreist o aa the Awards news at

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