The City of Santa Maria is embarking on a project to create objective design standards for all new residential and residential mixed-use projects in the city. The Santa Maria Objective Design Standards will reflect and build off the extensive planning work the City of Santa Maria has accomplished through the on-going General Plan process and the area-specific design guidelines, specific plans, and development standards in the Municipal Code.
Project Background
Recent State laws require local jurisdictions to adopt objective standards and streamline their housing development and review process to ensure high-quality design and facilitate efficient delivery of new residential units. Today, the City of Santa Maria primarily relies on the Zoning Ordinance to address the character of residential developments including infill projects, additions to existing homes, or new construction.

The Objective Design Standards Project will establish design regulations for new residential and residential mixed-use buildings.  These design standards will allow flexibility in design, but require key elements that support the pedestrian experience, create human-scaled buildings, and preserve the character of Santa Maria’s neighborhoods. Rather than dictate styles, the objective design standards will focus on building form, massing, articulation, and site context.

How does this project relate to the General Plan?
While the General Plan land use designations provide for overall development intensity and allowed uses, they do not specify the form or character of the building. Different interpretations of the same density and FAR can result in buildings of vastly different character. To encourage similar interpretations of allowed density/FARs, other City regulations such as zoning height limits, building setbacks, open space requirements, or “Objective Design Standards” are used to guide the form of buildings within a given density/FAR range.

About The Community Visual Preference Survey
The City of Santa Maria is conducting a Community Visual Preference Survey to better understand community priorities and concerns that should be considered when creating objective design standards. This survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. Please share your preferences.