Hospitality NL's 2022 Conference Survey - Day 2

Thank you for attending DAY TWO (April 6th) of the 2022 Conference & Trade Show! Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador is asking all delegates to take a moment to complete this survey. We value your opinion and look forward to your response.

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the following Conference elements?

  Excellent Satisfactory Neutral Unsatisfactory Poor Did Not Participate
Official Kick-Off 
Premier Andrew Furey's Address
We are Tourism Panel
Provincial Tourism Luncheon with Minister Crocker
Access and Transportation Panel
Transition. Transform. Thrive.
Tourism Learning Circles
Fun Night at St. John's Convention Centre

Question Title

* 2. What can Hospitality NL do to improve your Conference and Trade Show experience in the future?